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Fix My Eyes on You

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary & what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:18

As my wedding is nearing and student teaching is coming to an end, my weeks seem to be getting more and more busy. Last week for example, I fed and checked the cows for my dad because him and my mom were gone looking at bulls, had my final fitting for my wedding dress, had a job interview, had my final evaluation for student teaching, worked my teacher work sample (my final assignment for my under grad), went to my last seminar on campus to fill out licensure for teaching, created lesson plans and sub plans, got my first Sunday School lesson together, sent out more invitations, had my Financial Peace class, prepared students for their Quiz Bowl contest AND in the midst of the crazy, I was sick. All semester, I have been managing my time pretty well. I am not saying I am perfect; I still procrastinate and forget things that I was supposed to do – however, I have been built myself up on this rock because I cannot do it alone. This week on the other hand, I was putting myself first, not Him. I was doing everything else on my checklist before I spent time with my Savior. I told myself that when I got my other stuff done, I would go read my Bible, devotions, and do my journaling. When I finished my tasks, I was sleepy and exhausted and said, “I can do it tomorrow.” Tomorrow came and I did that again. As the week went on, I felt more tired and less motivated. What was I doing wrong? Or really, what wasn’t I doing that I had been doing the weeks prior?

My answer was simple and was right in front of me when I was reading my daily devotion yesterday: I wasn’t spending enough time with Jesus. I wasn’t keeping my eyes fixed on Him. I was putting myself first and Him second. I needed to adjust my priorities and schedule to first spend that time with Him, then do my other deeds. With Him, I can accomplish everything but without Him, I can’t do anything. This week is another big one. I am going to learn from my mistakes and take the time to be with Him. I know I need that time because it recharges me, and still, I get distracted. I pray for myself and for you all that we can keep the distractions to a minimum and our eyes fixed on Him fully and completely. That means involving Him in every aspect of our lives and letting Him be a part of our day to day work.

“Let us fix our yes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith.” Hebrews 12:2

If we keep our eyes fixed on Him, it not only directs us but it empowers us. He will never lead us to something we cannot face because He will equip us for the circumstances. We must not get burned out but long for that time spent with Him and truly enjoy it without rushing things to get to the “other stuff.” Through Him, we can see the path to our lives and without Him, it’s going to be a jumble.

King & Country’s song, “Fix My Eyes,” gets stuck in my head easily. The chorus speaks to us all saying:

“I’d love like I’m not scared

Give when it’s not fair

Live life for another

Take time for a brother

Fight for the weak ones

Speak out for freedom

Find faith in the battle

Stand tall but above it all

Fix my eyes on you, on you.”

When we spend time with God, it puts everything else into perspective. This week, let’s take those lyrics in that song and apply them to our lives and like it says, “Above it all, fix my eyes on you.” Let’s spend more time with Him before we do anything else. Right when we wake up, let’s dig into the word and as we are driving, talk to Him instead of wasting that time thinking about your worries. In whatever way you love spending time with Jesus, do more of it – and enjoy it. Let’s live and love for Him as we make Him become greater and us become less.

“For my eyes are toward you, O Lord. In you I have a safe place.” Psalm 141:6

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